The research described on this website was largely funded by a National Science Foundation Grant – Assessing the Role of Ecological Change on Economic and Demographic Transformations Between the Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age in the Sizandro River Valley, Portugal (2012-2016) (BCS 1153568). P.I. K.T. Lillios, Co-P.I. J.A. Artz ($235,534).
The 2007 season of fieldwork at Bolores was funded by a Social Sciences Funding Program Award, University of Iowa ($50,000).
We are also grateful to the Câmara Municipal of Torres Vedras for providing lunches for our crew during all seasons of fieldwork.

Bolores Project Collaborators and Participants
-Project coordinators
Katina Lillios, P.I. Archaeologist, University of Iowa
Anna Waterman, Project Biological anthropologist, Mount Mercy University
Joe Alan Artz, Co-P.I. Geoarchaeologist and geospatial archaeologist, Earthview Environmental Inc.
-Fieldwork and logistical support

Michael Kunst, Archaeologist, German Archaeological Institute, Madrid (Spain)
Leonel Trindade. Archaeologist, Torres Vedras (Portugal)
Jess Beck, Archaeologist. University of Pittsburgh
Isabel Luna. Historian, Museu Municipal Leonel Trindade, Torres Vedras (Portugal)
John Willman, Biological anthropologist, Washington University
Jonathan T. Thomas, Archaeologist, University of Iowa
-Analysis of human remains
Anna Waterman, Biological anthropologist, Mount Mercy University
Jennifer Mack. Biological anthropologist, Office of the State Archaeologist
Ana-Monica Racila, Doctoral student in medical anthropology, University of Iowa
Joel Irish, Biological anthropologist, Liverpool John Moores University (UK)
Briana Horwath, Biological anthropologist, University of Iowa
Liv Nilsson-Stutz, Biological anthropologist and archaeologist, Emory University
Ana Maria Silva, Biological Anthropologist, Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal)
Rob Tykot, Archaeologist, University of South Florida
John Willman, Biological anthropologist, Washington University
Krista Dotzel, Doctoral student in archaeology, University of Connecticut
–Geospatial and geoarchaeological analyses
Bryan Kendall. Archaeologist, Office of the State Archaeologist
Richard L. Josephs, Geoscientist
Megan Thies, Graduate student in archaeology, Illinois State University
Joseph Wyckoff, GIS specialist, University of Iowa
Kurtis Kettler, GIS specialist, Windstream Telecommunications
-Material culture studies
Jonathan T. Thomas, Archaeologist, University of Iowa
Melody Pope, Archaeologist, Indiana University, Bloomington
Patricia Jordão, Archaeologist (Portugal)
Lily Doershuk, Doctoral student in biological anthropology, Pennsylvania State University
Guida Casella. Archaeological illustrator, Lisbon (Portugal)
Leonel Trindade. Archaeologist, Torres Vedras (Portugal)

-Laboratory assistants
Tyler Perkins
Leslie Nemo
Laura Ruebling
Katherine Lazzara, Graduate student, University of Alabama
-Field crews (only those individuals not mentioned above)
Estella Weiss-Krejci, Biological anthropologist, Austrian Academy of Sciences (Austria)
Cherie Haury-Artz, Office of the State Archaeologist
Samantha Sink
Climate, demography, and culture change in Iberian prehistory
António Blanco-González. Archaeologist, Universidad de Valladolid (Spain)
Brandon Lee Drake. Archaeologist, University of New Mexico
José António López Sáez. Archaeobotanist, CSIC-Madrid (Spain)
Sizandro Valley Archaeological Survey (analyses still in progress)
Andre Mano. Geoinformatics, Universiteit Twente, Enschede (Netherlands)
Ana Duarte. Torres Vedras (Portugal)
Rui Boaventura. Archaeologist, Uniarq (Portugal)
Katina would also like to thank Beverly Poduska and Shari Knight, the UI Anthropology administrative assistants, who helped in countless ways to help manage the accounting of the NSF grant and facilitate the collaboration of the project team.